We Inter-are-Breathe Here and Now with Joy & Happiness
A Retreat with the Nuns and Monks of Blue Cliff Monastery
in the Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
May 6-8, 2016
Galilee Centre, 398 John St. North,
Arnprior, Ontario
Retreat Registration Form May 2016 (PDF)
Retreat Schedule May 2016 (PDF)
Retreat Information
Following in the tradition of the Venerable Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, a number of monastics from the Blue Cliff Monastery (bluecliffmonastery.org) will be on tour in Canada in the month of May 2016.
They will be leading a weekend residential retreat where they will guide us in the practices of sitting meditation, the five mindfulness trainings, total relaxation, touching the earth and the practices of deep listening and loving speech.
Please stay tuned for further details and registration information. They will be posted soon.
Would you please provide me information on the retreat in Galilee on May 2016, i.e. fees, requirements, registration, etc.
Thank you very much.
The Details are here:
Retreat Application Form May 2016 (PDF)
Retreat Schedule May 2016 (PDF)