The next Day of Mindfulness will be held Sunday the 18th of August, 2019 at the Arboretum.
Please bring your own lunch! And bring blankets or towels if you want to sit on the grass.
9:30 Arrive at Heart Island
10:00 Silent sitting and walking meditations
11:00 Tea break
11:15 Dharma Sharing
12:15 Lunch in noble silence
12:45 Silent sitting and walking meditations
1:30 DoM ends
André V. will be facilitating this event.
Directions and Parking
One way to get into the Dominion Arboretum is through the Fletcher Wildlife Garden parking lot. This is not ideal because, technically, there is a 90-minute limit for parking.
You can instead, park on the other side of Prince of Wales Drive in the parking lot for the Agriculture Museum at the Experimental Farm. There are lots of other ways of getting to“Heart Island”, including on foot or by bicycle.
The following picture is an aerial view that shows the Fletcher Wildlife Garden parking lot off of Prince of Wales Drive and the relative location of “Heart Island”.
And this is a zoom of the location on Heart Island. The way to get on the island is to cross the bridge (just to the right of the red circle.
Here is the full Google Maps location of Heart Island in the Dominion Arboretum:
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