Theme: Patience @ ONLINE Meeting ZOOM
Jun 10 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm







ONLINE Meeting

We will meet on-line using the Zoom conferencing service.

We will begin our meditations at the regular time, 7 pm, however please join a few minutes early.

We expect the session to end no later than 8:30 pm. There will be guided meditation of about 20-25 minutes, followed by Dharma sharing followed by a 10 minute silent meditation before the end.

How to access the Ottawa Pagoda Sangha Wednesday Zoom Meetings:

Zoom is a free a remote conferencing service that can be accessed with a computer or cell phone and also by dialing a phone number. You do not need to create an account or to log-in to anything.

Send email to pagodasangha @ gmail.com for link. (remove spaces when entering address)

For regular telephone dial in (please note there are no local 613 or toll-free numbers – long distance charges may apply):

+1 438 809 7799

+1 647 374 4685

+1 647 558 0588

Additional Zoom Info for first-time Zoom users

If this is the first time you have used Zoom, your browser will ask you to download the Zoom App for either your computer or your phone (see the video linked-to below).

If you want to download the Zoom App for your computer or cell phone ahead of time you can go here:


Getting Started with Zoom on a Computer


The basic video for first-time users:


All the support documentation


Kindest wishes to all from the Pagoda Sangha Caretaking Council.

Sutra Study @ ONLINE Meeting ZOOM
Jun 17 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm







ONLINE Meeting

We will meet on-line using the Zoom conferencing service.

We will begin our meditations at the regular time, 7 pm, however please join a few minutes early.

We expect the session to end no later than 8:30 pm. There will be guided meditation of about 20-25 minutes, followed by Dharma sharing followed by a 10 minute silent meditation before the end.

How to access the Ottawa Pagoda Sangha Wednesday Zoom Meetings:

Zoom is a free a remote conferencing service that can be accessed with a computer or cell phone and also by dialing a phone number. You do not need to create an account or to log-in to anything.

Send email to pagodasangha @ gmail.com for link. (remove spaces when entering address)

For regular telephone dial in (please note there are no local 613 or toll-free numbers – long distance charges may apply):

+1 438 809 7799

+1 647 374 4685

+1 647 558 0588

Additional Zoom Info for first-time Zoom users

If this is the first time you have used Zoom, your browser will ask you to download the Zoom App for either your computer or your phone (see the video linked-to below).

If you want to download the Zoom App for your computer or cell phone ahead of time you can go here:


Getting Started with Zoom on a Computer


The basic video for first-time users:


All the support documentation


Kindest wishes to all from the Pagoda Sangha Caretaking Council.

Passage by Thay @ ONLINE Meeting ZOOM
Jun 24 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm







ONLINE Meeting

We will meet on-line using the Zoom conferencing service.

We will begin our meditations at the regular time, 7 pm, however please join a few minutes early.

We expect the session to end no later than 8:30 pm. There will be guided meditation of about 20-25 minutes, followed by Dharma sharing followed by a 10 minute silent meditation before the end.

How to access the Ottawa Pagoda Sangha Wednesday Zoom Meetings:

Zoom is a free a remote conferencing service that can be accessed with a computer or cell phone and also by dialing a phone number. You do not need to create an account or to log-in to anything.

Send email to pagodasangha @ gmail.com for link. (remove spaces when entering address)

For regular telephone dial in (please note there are no local 613 or toll-free numbers – long distance charges may apply):

+1 438 809 7799

+1 647 374 4685

+1 647 558 0588

Additional Zoom Info for first-time Zoom users

If this is the first time you have used Zoom, your browser will ask you to download the Zoom App for either your computer or your phone (see the video linked-to below).

If you want to download the Zoom App for your computer or cell phone ahead of time you can go here:


Getting Started with Zoom on a Computer


The basic video for first-time users:


All the support documentation


Kindest wishes to all from the Pagoda Sangha Caretaking Council.

No Meeting @ ONLINE Meeting ZOOM
Jul 1 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm







July 1 holiday.  No ONLINE Meeting

Kindest wishes to all from the Pagoda Sangha Caretaking Council.